Plant tracking specialist AMI Group has appeared on Demolition TV in an episode focused on the theft of construction and demolition equipment.

AMI was invited to appear after being identified as one of the companies spearheading the fight against plant theft and at the forefront of the recovery process.

Demolition TV is the first TV show for demolition professionals and episode 4 highlights that the theft of construction plant still remains a huge problem in the UK, with an estimated £1 million of equipment stolen from construction and demolition sites each week.

AMI operations director Peter Stockton appears in the episode at length and talks about the plant tracking solutions that the company offers, including battery operated systems with battery life of up to 20 years, as well as hard wired systems.

And AMI has developed the smallest, most covert plant tracking devices in the industry, making them far more difficult for thieves to locate. More than £245 million worth of customer assets are protected with AMI tracking systems, including several of the UK's national plant hirers and construction companies.

The Demolition TV episode can be viewed on